Page 12 - WFL Cooperator Winter Expo 2020
P. 12

12 THE WESTERN FLORIDA COOPERATOR   —EXPO 2019  FLCOOPERATOR.COM  underwent a total refurbishment.  Th  e prop-  erty was built at the turn of the twentieth cen-  tury, and so is over 100 years old.  Th  e single   elevator required modernization and refur-  bishing.  “Th  e board really had to think a lot   about the project, and about this problem,”   Duggin says.  “We had people in the building,   one family in particular, where someone was   disabled and used a wheelchair.  Th  ere was no   way this resident could go up and down the   stairs.  Another resident had two very large   dogs, and they couldn’t go up and down nu-  merous times a day either.  Th  ere was no way   we could accommodate them.  In  the end,   the board did arrange to do the work during   the summer months when many people were   away on vacation.  Th  e resident with the dogs   had a summer home and went there for the   duration of the project.  Th  e disabled resident   stayed with a family member elsewhere.  For   other residents who were able to go up and   down the stairs, we accommodated them by   hiring extra staff  to help people with their gro-  ceries, luggage, etc.  We placed chairs on each   landing and provided cold bottles of water for   anyone who was tired or overheated.”  Eveline Smythe  is an executive manager   with AKAM Management, the managing   agent for Th  e Tides in Hollywood Beach,   Florida.  Th  e logistics employed for an eleva-  tor project at Th  e Tides – two 15-story build-  ings located on the beach – was completely   diff erent, explains Smythe.  “Communication   is the key,” she says.  “Many of our owners are   internationally based, in South America and   Canada.  Much of our communications were   done through email blasts.  Th  e fi rst thing we   did was discuss the project with the residents   at several meetings.  Th  en we set up commu-  nications by email with notice as to how the  tion has had to provide alternative housing at  disabled person can enjoy the use of his or her   project would progress.  We let people prepare  their cost during elevator replacements. “I’m  apartment in the same fashion that someone   for the project.”  Since each building has multiple eleva-  tors, at no time was anyone stranded. Th  ey  commodation during the  construction,” she  sent to every resident of a building when an   did make some changes to regular procedures  says. “Th  e association’s board obviously has to  elevator shutdown is planned, and that man-  though: “When we did the service elevators,  attend to repairs diligently.”  we had to halt all move-ins and move-outs   and all major deliveries,” says Smythe. “You  elevators at all, a Florida resident may request  ever, it is generally the responsibility of the   could still have small packages or food de-  livered, and we had a security offi  cer in each  tion to the building (typically an elevator lift )  the management or board and request a rea-  lobby to facilitate the effi  cient use of the re-  maining elevators. We did a lot of that kind of  Th  e only other alternative she considers is  ent buildings will  handle  accommodation   logistical planning.”  Another important consideration when it  owner’s personal insurance policy for loss of  Hakim, the answer remains the same: “Rea-  comes to navigating a major elevator project  use. However, the loss of use has to relate back  sonable accommodations must be made for   is to enforce the time frame and schedule set  to an insurable event – and most policies do  those with legally defi ned disabilities.”    out by the elevator contractor in their refur-  bishment or replacement contract.  According  able event.”  to Duggan, “Th  e contract the building signs   with the company doing the work will contain  condo board should consider before proceed-  a clause specifying a timeline and completion  ing with an elevator project?  Mark Hakim is  communicative, and should reach out to all   date.  If that timeline and date are not met, the  a co-op attorney with Schwartz Sladkus Reich  the occupants and determine who, if anyone,   contract will contain penalties.” While delays  Greenberg & Sladkus, a law fi rm based in  will need accommodations and how those   in any type of construction work are typical,  New York.  “While all buildings, co-op and  can be reasonably made. Open a dialogue   when it comes to something as crucial to the  condominium alike, have to make necessary  with all, and do not ignore the issue until it is   community as elevator work, both the board  repairs and replacements, it would be unlaw-  of directors and management need to stay on  ful to discriminate against anyone with dis-  top of the situation to minimize the inevitable  abilities in connection with such repairs and/  disruption.    The Legal Angle  So what about residents in single-elevator  or condominium building in New York may  be requests for accommodations and should,   buildings  who  simply  can’t  navigate  stair-  wells? Can (or should) an association pay to  ment for a disabled occupant, leading to a  process and during the pendency of the work,   temporarily  relocate  them  until  the  project  possible claim for discrimination.   is completed? Lisa Magill, an attorney with   Pompano Beach-based law fi rm Kaye Bender  Law, the New York State Human Rights Law,   Rembaum points out that in Florida, “Th  e as-  sociation  does  not  off er  alternative  housing  continues, “reasonable accommodations in   when it tents a building for termites,” so the  housing must be made who those who suff er   same is likely true for elevator work, inconve-  nient as it may be. Magill says she is not aware  modations to be made should be such that the   of any case in Florida under which an associa-  not sure whether there are any grounds for  who is not disabled can.”   owners to make a claim for a reasonable ac-   Interestingly, in buildings that do not have  which residents may need assistance. How-  permission to install a reasonable modifi ca-  at their personal expense, Magill explains.  sonable accommodation to be made. Diff er-  that “Th  ere may be coverage under the unit  requests in diff erent ways, but according to   not include building maintenance an insur-  So what are the real liabilities a co-op or  evator repair/replacement project, co-op and   or replacements,” he says. “Th  e removal of a  noring the issue until it is too late. Each board   building’s sole elevator from service in a co-op  should understand and expect that there may   mean a lack of reasonable access to an apart-   “Under the New York City Human Rights  requests.                                                                   and the Federal Fair Housing Act,” Hakim   from legally defi ned disabilities. Th  e accom-   Hakim cautions that notice should be   agement should make inquiries to determine   disabled shareholder or unit owner to notify   When it comes to something as crucial –   and as potentially disruptive – as a major el-  condominium boards should be proactive and   too late. It’s always better to be communicative   and proactive, rather than tight-lipped and re-  active. Th  e worst thing that can be done is ig-  at all times before, during and aft er the bid   be ready to assist and respond to reasonable   n  A J Sidransky is a staff  writer/reporter with   Th  e Western Florida Cooperator, and a published   novelist.   ELEVATOR...  continued from page 1  the records of the association which must be   kept. Th  e provisions were made applicable to   pre-1999 condominiums, so all associations   in Vermont—no matter when formed—must   comply with the requirements of 3–118.  “Perhaps more important to condomin-  ium owners is that there is now a provision   that requires that all records both required to   be retained by an association and otherwise   kept by the association must be available for   examination and copying by a unit owner or   the owner’s authorized agent during reason-  able business hours or at a mutually conve-  nient time and location aft er fi ve days’ notice.   Th  e statute provides for the association to   charge a reasonable fee.  “Vermont’s version of UCIOA also sets   forth those records that may be withheld from   inspection and copying. Th  e protected re-  cords include:  • personnel salary and medical records re-  lating to specifi c individuals;  • contracts and transactions currently be-  ing negotiated;  • existing or potential matters in litigation,   mediation, or arbitration;  • declaration, bylaw, or rule enforcement  shall keep minutes of the proceedings of its  reports, building invoices, redacted legal in-  actions currently proceeding;  • association-attorney communications;  • records of an executive session of the ex-  ecutive board;  • individual unit fi les other than those of  cord containing the names and addresses  to create paper copies or electronic copies   the requesting owner.  “Th  ere’s no specifi c provision in Vermont’s  shares held by each, and the dates when they  confi dentiality concerns were suffi  ciently ac-  version of  UCIOA that sets forth what can  respectively became the owners of record  commodated by requiring the owner to sign a   happen if an association fails to comply with  thereof. Any of the foregoing books, minutes,  confi dentiality agreement.”  these sections. An owner would be able to  or records may be in written form or in any   go to the appropriate Superior Court and get  other form capable of being converted into   a judge to order the dissemination of the re-  quested documents if they were not otherwise   protected by statute. An owner might be able  provide requirements to maintain records  a list of certain categories of items that must   to have the Superior Court judge award fees  and indicate inspection rights of its member-  and costs and perhaps even attorney’s fees if  ship. Also, a shareholder has both statutory  nice checklist that should be incorporated   a showing could be made that the association  and common-law rights to inspect books and  into anyone’s management policies for record-  unreasonably withheld the documents.”  Lewis Montana, a partner with Levine &   Montana in Peekskill, New York  “Section 624 of the New York Business  owner has similar inspection rights under   Corporation Law addresses books and re-  cords, right of inspection, and prima facie evi-  dence as follows:  “‘Each corporation shall keep correct and  association’s board did not have an obligation   complete books and records of account and  to mail or email copies of monthly fi nancial   shareholders, board, and executive commit-  tee, if any, and shall keep at the offi  ce of the  owners, an owner’s right to examine those   corporation in this state or at the offi  ce of its  records at the managing agent’s offi  ce during   transfer agent or registrar in this state, a re-  of all shareholders, the number and class of  at her own expense during her inspection;   written form within a reasonable time.’  “Th  e bylaws of an association may also   records of the corporation if inspection is  keeping. Th  ese are  things  like condo  docu-  sought in good faith and for valid purpose.  “Courts indicate that a condominium  meeting minutes, things like that.  common law.  “In one case,   Pomerance v. McGrath,   the  that an association should have some physical   court instructs that, although a condominium  records, it’s best to back those up and have an   voices, or board meeting minutes to unit-  convenient weekday hours included a right   Katherine G. Brady, an associate with   Moriarty Troyer & Malloy LLC in Boston   and Braintree, Massachusetts  “In Massachusetts, it’s statutory that there’s   be kept for seven years, which makes for a   ments, fi nancial records, contracts, insurance,   “It’s not specifi ed that these need to be kept   within the commonwealth. While I would say   KEEPING...  continued from page 1  • existing or potential matters in litigation,   “‘Each corporation shall keep correct and  association’s board did not have an obligation 

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