Page 15 - WFL Cooperator Winter Expo 2020
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FLCOOPERATOR.COM  THE WESTERN FLORIDA COOPERATOR   —EXPO 2019    15  impact on the association or others, it would   be a discriminatory act if the HOA refused to   allow the owner to perform modifi cations \[or   other preventive measures\] at that owner’s cost.   If modifi cations are needed to fully use and en-  joy their premises…it’s best for the board to   permit \[the alterations\].”  Smoke  Secondhand smoke is a known health haz-  ard and has become a major issue in both resi-  dential and commercial settings. Smoking is   banned in many public and semi-public places   by local ordinance, and in the governing docu-  ments of many condominium and cooperative   communities, smoking is banned in public or   common areas. In New York City, a local ordi-  nance was recently enacted requiring all resi-  dential buildings—condo, co-op, or rental—to   post a property-wide smoking policy. Shapiro   tells us that smoking, while prohibited in com-  mon areas in most associations, is still permit-  ted in individual units in Massachusetts.  According to Scott Piekarsky, an attorney   and principal at Piekarsky & Associates, lo-  cated in Wykoff , New Jersey, “If someone is af-  fected in their unit by conduct in another unit,   then for good or bad, that problem is the asso-  ciation’s problem. Smoke is obviously traveling   through limited common elements—which   the association is responsible for—so they’ve   got to address it,” or risk costly, acrimonious   litigation.   “Furthermore,” says Piekarsky, “in New   Jersey condominiums, there’s a state legal re-  quirement that residents be off ered alternative   dispute resolution (ADR) to resolve confl icts   \[before litigation is permitted to move for-  ward\]. Simply, if there is a dispute between unit   owners, or an owner and the association, the   association must provide ADR mechanisms to   resolve the dispute. Automatically, the associa-  tion is in the loop.”  Shapiro points out that resolving the issue   of an allergen or other environmental irritant   comes down to a matter of who has jurisdic-  tion over the means by which the irritant is   being transmitted throughout the building. “It   can be a question,” she says, “of whether the as-  sociation manages the HVAC system—which   typically it does. Can they put in fi lters? \[Th  e   board’s\] best course of action is to take whatev-  er action they can within their power; whatever   is beyond the capacity of the association to do   must be sent back to the owners involved in the   confl ict to be worked out between them.”   Pets  For many residents, pets are an important   part of their lives, whether it be a dog, cat, or   goldfi sh. For others, neighbors’ animal friends   can be the source of much sniffl  ing and teary   eyes, or may even aggravate more serious con-  ditions, like asthma or emphysema. Obviously,   people with serious animal allergies or sensi-  tivities to dander or pet hair should opt not to   keep pets in their unit—but what about those   residents with the most severe sensitivities, for   whom pet dander and odor, like secondhand   smoke, can pass from unit to unit through   HVAC systems?  Ordering pet owners to give up their furry   or feathered family members clearly isn’t an op-  tion—at least not in buildings or HOAs whose   governing documents allow pets. Speaking of   her own state, Magill says, “If you don’t have   a restriction in your documents that prohibits   pets, then under the Florida State Condomin-  ium Law, you have no right to tell anyone to   get rid of their pets.” Th  at said, however, “Th  e   association does have an obligation to make   an accommodation—or even allow a physical   alteration to the premises to ameliorate the im-  pact of \[an allergic resident’s\] disability.”   Co-op vs. Condo  Hakim points out that in New York, where   there are numerous co-op buildings, the cir-  cumstances may be a bit diff erent due to the   relationship between  the  co-op shareholder,   who lives in the building under a proprietary   lease, and a condo owner, who is a member of   an association and an owner of real property in   his/her own right.   “In a co-op, due to the nature of the legal   relationship between shareholder and the co-  operative corporation, the board of directors   has a legal obligation under an implied War-  ranty of Habitability to ensure that a \[resident’s\]   apartment is safe and livable at all times,” says   Hakim. “Irrespective of whether any claimed   odor-related illness rises to the level of legal   disability (for which the board would have to   work towards making reasonable accommo-  dations), the board must ensure that no condi-  tion is created or permitted that would breach   the complaining shareholder’s Warranty of   Habitability.”   In the case of drift ing pet dander, for ex-  ample, Hakim says, “Th  at would include tak-  ing measures to ensure that any neighboring   cats—including their dander and odor—are   not materially and adversely aff ecting the other   occupants of the building. Th  e board will want   to investigate the claim and work with the par-  ties to fi nd resolution. In either event, a deter-  mination should be made confi rming the al-  leged conditions, that they are the cause \[of the   complaining residents’ symptoms\], and that   \[those symptoms\] rise to the level of disability   under the ADA and/or are suffi  cient to consti-  tute a breach of the Warranty of Habitability   or proprietary lease. Under most proprietary   leases, a shareholder is not permitted to allow   unreasonable odors to escape their apartment,   so if odors—caused by cats, for example—are   escaping the apartment, it could constitute a   breach under the proprietary lease.”   Hakim goes on to say that “In a condo-  minium, where there is no proprietary lease   and implied Warranty of Habitability, the as-  sociation’s obligations—if any—would gener-  ally depend on whether the dander and odors   are directly related to the cats, and whether the   alleged sickness is so severe that it would con-  stitute a disability under the ADA. If so, then   the condo’s board of managers would have to   work towards fi nding a reasonable solution—  though generally speaking, in the case of both a   co-op and condominium, they are not required   to demolish, materially change, or build some-  ENVIRONMENTAL...  continued from page 13  thing  from  scratch.  Th  us,  possible  solutions  Clearly, the association and its insurer will do hing  from  scratch.  Th  us,  possible  solutions  Clearly, the association and its insurer will do hing  from  scratch.  Th  us,  possible  solutions   (short of trying to have the off ending animals  everything they can to eliminate mold from   removed) may include adjusting the airfl ow in  the property aft er a fl ood or other catastrophic   an apartment, sealing off  gaps, or requiring the  event.  adjacent apartment owner to install HEPA or   similar air fi lters.”   Chemicals  Another potential hot-spot is the use of  it’s their responsibility. If the portion of say, a   chemicals indoors to control or eradicate in-  sects and rodents, and outdoor pesticides to  sociation’s common area, it’s the association’s   maintain landscaping. Many residents claim  responsibility. Th  at is without regard to liabil-  the chemicals used adversely aff ect them, their  ity factors. In Florida, the law has changed so   kids, or their pets. Shapiro points out that in  that the association insures the entire build-  today’s ecologically conscious world, many as-  sociations request—and many exterminators  doors, A/C units. Th  is enables the association   use—environmentally friendly chemicals. If a  to rebuild aft er a casualty loss, even if the unit   resident has a problem with even those, that  owner decides not to step up and rebuild their   resident should be notifi ed in advance that the  apartment  interior.”  She  adds that it’s  com-  exterminator is coming, so they can make ar-  rangements for themselves and their family  less the units are physically connected—think   (and their pets, if necessary) to be away from  townhouses—“Th  e owners are responsible for   the building until the fumes dissipate—usu-  ally just a few hours’ time. “I don’t think we   have to fail to protect all the other owners from  sonable. If an association can make an accom-  vermin,” Shapiro says, “because someone’s pet  modation, they should.” As with so many is-  doesn’t like pesticides.”  Mold  In certain situations, it’s obvious that a con-  dominium association or a co-op corporation   is obligated to remunerate any damage caused   by the growth of mold on their property. In the   case of Florida, for example, such situations   usually fall under what is known under Florida   law as a “casualty loss”—in other words, the   result of a natural disaster like a hurricane.   But what about other potential mold prob-  lems not caused by a natural disaster? Accord-  ing to Magill, “If one has mold in their unit,   pipe, that is the cause of the mold is in the as-  ing; structure, internal plumbing, windows,   pletely diff erent for an HOA. In an HOA, un-  everything.”  In the fi nal analysis, says Shapiro, “Be rea-  sues in co-op, condo, and HOA living, aft er the   incident, you’re still neighbors and you have to   live together and with each other.   n  AJ Sidransky is a staff  writer/reporter for   Th  e Western Florida Cooperator, and a pub-  lished novelist.   t t  See us at Booth 315

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